Diving in
I’m sure there’s a right way to launch a website, and I’m equally sure that whatever that is, I’m not doing it. I’m also sure that I’m not the only artist who feels deeply conflicted about the time and effort that goes into the “technical” aspects of putting one’s creations out in the world. Do I want to be sitting at my laptop on a sunny day trying to wrap my head around how this platform works? Heck no. I’d rather be sewing. But at the same time, I want to share my art, and maybe even give you a chance to claim one of my creations as your own.
If I wait until I have everything figured out, this site will never go live. So I’ve decided this site is going to follow a core principle I’ve tried to apply in other areas of my life—the principle of “enough.” What you see here is unapologetically a work in progress – “enough” to get started, and hopefully “enough” to pique your interest in my work and keep you coming back to see how it evolves.
For now, I offer a description of my quilting philosophy, a few shop items for purchase, and this blog. I will also be producing a newsletter (on an occasional basis – I promise not to spam you!) to expand on some of the thoughts shared in this blog for those who are truly interested, and to alert newsletter subscribers to new things on the horizon.
I encourage you to sign up below. And just to make it extra worth your while, if you sign up before the first newsletter comes out in October your name will be entered into a draw for something special. In the meantime, watch the blog for more details!